Dr. Pepper. Specifically, a 32 oz. Princess Peach from Swig. But I will never turn down an Alani, RedBull, or coffee of any kind. I might even have one of each all open at the same time. I am almost as passionate about my drink choices as I am about my design work.
Dr. Pepper. Specifically, a 32 oz. Princess Peach from Swig. But I will never turn down an Alani, RedBull, or coffee of any kind. I might even have one of each all open at the same time. I am almost as passionate about my drink choices as I am about my design work.
As I grew older, people encouraged me to choose a career I loved, reminding me that if you do what you love, you'll never work a day in your life. So, that’s exactly what I did—I transformed my favorite childhood pastime into my dream career.
- No overhead lighting, it makes me feral
- Dr. Pepper and/or oatmilk lattes
- Candles that smell of vanilla or apples, or both
- cozy blankets and/or an oversized sweatshirt because I am always cold and never hot
- true crime podcasts or one of my many playlists that are intricately crafted for any and every mood I could possibly be in.
- No overhead lighting ( it makes me feral )
- Dr. Pepper and/or oatmilk lattes
- Candles that smell of vanilla or apples, or both
- cozy blankets and/or an oversized sweatshirt because I am always cold and never hot
- true crime podcasts or one of my many playlists that are intricately crafted for any and every mood I could possibly be in.
You can almost always find me at a local coffee shop, my favorite sushi restaraunt, at the airport, or shopping till I drop.
OH! Or planning my WEDDING!
You can almost always find me at a local coffee shop, my favorite sushi restaraunt, at the airport, or shopping till I drop.
OH! Or planning my WEDDING!
A five foot something blondie with a love for all things creative. Growing up, I was always drawing, coloring, rearranging my room, or begging my mom to take me to any store with crafts I could get things make. My bedroom floor was always decorated with construction paper remnants and glitter glue permanently clung to the desk I spent most of my free time at.
A five-foot-something blondie with a love for all things creative. Growing up, I was always drawing, coloring, rearranging my room, or begging my mom to take me to any store that sold crafts so that I could get things to make. My bedroom floor was always decorated with construction paper remnants and glitter glue permanently clung to the desk I spent most of my free time at.